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The Artist's Way Book Study

This is a book about rediscovering your creativity and inner needs/voice.

Service Description

In this class, we will work through The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. We will meet 12 times to cover each of the 12 weeks in the book. We will support each other in rediscovering our creativity and inner voice as we work through different exercises and provide feedback based on our personal experiences. You will need to do a lot of work on your own, including reading, morning pages, artist's dates, and exercises from the book. We will come together to share insights and tips on how to accomplish these tasks when life tries to get in the way and what we have learned about ourselves and our creative process each week. We will use both writing and art exercises to explore topics from the book. The class will be on Sundays at 5-6:30 pm from May 5th - July 21st (or 28th if the class votes to skip July 7th due to the Holiday) This class will "make" at 4 students. If 4 students have not signed up by May 1st you will receive a refund. This is a "beta" class and it is the first time I have led it, therefore, the price will increase for future iterations of this class. The cost for this class is $180 which is equal to $15/session. The class will be conducted on Zoom and you will receive a link to the class after you register and after the class "makes" with the minimum number of students. Although this class will be led by an art therapist and LPC, this is an art and creativity-based class and is not intended to be therapeutic. By signing up for this class, you acknowledge this fact.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

No cancellations for Newsflash! or Art Journaling.

Contact Details


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