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Speaking, Collaborations & Workshops

Looking for your next keynote speaker or featured guest at your organization, conference, retreat, or live event? Rachel offers interactive, fun, and one-of-a-kind speaking engagements, podcast interviews, and social media collaborations with people and organizations that align with her values.

Example Topics/Workshops

Military Culture

Military service members, their families, and veterans have unique needs.  In order to best serve this population, providers need to be aware of military culture and how it impacts treatment. Rachel served in the Army on active duty for 10.5 years and has worked with military veterans and their families since leaving the military.  Rachel has worked with this population in higher education, nonprofits, community mental health, and private practice.  


Art Therapy Overview

What is art therapy?  How does art therapy differ from using art in counseling?  How does someone become an art therapist? This presentation will answer all of these questions and more!  


Creative Activities for Non-Art Therapists

Do you have a staff of caring professionals who would love to use art or creative activities with your clients?  Rachel will teach them what to consider when using this type of activity.  She will teach participants about 10 different creative activities they can start using right away.


Using Art to Harness the Healing Power of Nature

This presentation provides an overview of the healing power of nature and how it has been used over time.  Theories of human-natural interaction will be detailed.  Lastly, Rachel will provide you with guidance on how to use art and the nature of healing.  


Moral Injury

This presentation will detail moral injury including its history, assessment, and treatment.  Although moral injury is not specific to this population, understanding moral injury is vital if you work with first responders such as military veterans, police, and firefighters.  


Burnout Prevention for Caring Professionals

This workshop provides participants with information on how to approach caring for others without burning out.  A creative exercise will be utilized to help participants identify how to proceed after the workshop. 


Art Journaling 101

Do your employees, or the clients they work with need a way to process life events and de-stress?  Art journaling is the perfect way to get the benefits of creative expression without the pressure of having to do it the "right" way.  Rachel will teach participants all about art journaling so that they can use this unique and fun process to improve their own or their client's health and well-being.  This 3-hour workshop requires tables for participants to work on and access to water for clean-up.  


Mask Making

Masks have been used in a variety of mental health settings to help clients process their lived experiences with trauma, mental health diagnoses, or difficult life events.  In this workshop, Rachel will guide participants in decorating a mask to reflect their lived experience.  This day-long workshop requires tables for participants to work on and access to water for clean-up.  

Professional Presentations

  • Nepantal and Altered Books for Trauma Treatment, American Art Therapy Association National Conference, OCT 2023

  • Military Master Supervision Session, American Art Therapy Association National Conference, OCT 2023.

  • Creative Activities for Non-Art Therapists, Texas Veterans Commission Mental Health Department Conference, MAR 2023

  • Moral Injury in Veterans and Military Service Members, CEU Presentation, FEB 2023

  • Shrink Your Stress! Burnout Prevention for Caring Professionals, Nort Texas Art Therapy Association, DEC 2022 

  • Moral Injury in Veterans and Military Service Members, American Art Therapy Association, DEC 2021

  • Using Art Therapy to Harness the Healing Power of Nature, North Texas Art Therapy Association, APR 2021

  • Using Art Therapy to Treat Military Sexual Trauma, American Art Therapy Association, NOV 2019

  • Military Master Supervision Session, American Art Therapy Association National Conference, 2017-2019

  • Military Veteran Counseling at a Technical College: Integrating the Creative Arts, American Art Therapy Association National Conference, JUL 2016 

  • Starting a Military Veteran Counseling Program at a Technical College, American Counseling Association / Canadian Counseling Association International Conference, APR 2016

  • Military Veteran Use of Visual Journaling During Recovery, American Art Therapy Association National Conference JUL 2015

  • Art, Transformation, and Trauma: Papermaking as Art Therapy, American Art Therapy Association National Conference JUL 2015

  • Enhancing Cohesion in Art Therapy Graduate Students, American Art Therapy Association National Conference 2014

  • Visual Journaling Training for Community Organization Leaders, Nonprofit Regional Event 2014

  • Visual Journaling Training for Adolescent Camp Counselors, Florida Agricultural Extension Regional Event 2014

  • Visual Journaling and Self-care, Nonprofit Regional Symposium 2014

  • Papermaking as a Trauma Intervention for Veterans with PTSD, Florida Art Therapy Association State Conference 2014

  • Art Journal Swapping for Self-Care, Florida Art Therapy Association State Conference 2014


Mims, R. (2023). Papermaker Reflections: Stories of Change, Growth, and Creativity.  In D. L. Mattott & G. M. Miller (Eds.), The Art and Art Therapy of Papermaking: Material, Methods, and Applications. Routledge.


Mims, R. (2021). Art Therapy with Veterans. Jessica Kingsley Publishers


Mims, R. & Jones, J. (2019). Disenfranchised Grief: The Impact of Grief in the Military. In R. Jacobson & M. Wood (Eds.), The International Handbook of Art Therapy in Palliative and Bereavement Care. Taylor & Francis / Routledge.


Mims, R. (2016). Using visual journaling to promote military veteran healing, health, and wellness.  In V. Buchanan (Ed.), Art therapy: Programs, uses and benefits (pp. 77-112). Nova Publishers.

Mims, R. (2015). Military veteran use of visual journaling during recovery. Journal of Poetry Therapy: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Practice, Theory, Research and Education, doi: 10.1080/08893675.2015.1008737


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